TCMP Online Fee Payment System Launched
On August 31st 2022, the Tobago Cays Marine Park (TCMP) launched a Website Based E-commerce system under the tag line “TCMP PAY”. Park visitors, including cruisers and yacht charter companies will be able to conveniently pay park user fees and mooring fees even before entering the Marine Park.
The payment system can be accessed online via the Park website and the “TCMP PAY” menu item. The transaction process is an easy three (3) step process before payment is made. An electronic receipt with Q-Code will be emailed to the customer/captain and will be verified by our park rangers upon arrival at the Park.

Manager of the Tobago Cays Marine Park, Mr. Lesroy Noel, stated that TCMP PAY will allow us to streamline the collection of fees at the park, reduce cost of revenue collection and will reduce the transaction time, this will result in increased time for other critical activities including enforcement and maintenance at the park.
The system not only provides a safe and accountable way to receive money but also offers a distinctive ticketing system and generates customized financial and usage reports. It is easy to enforce by park rangers and transactions will monitored at our office on Union Island Noel added.
While still operating in a COVID-19 environment, TCMP PAY will provide a contactless system which will reduce health risks for both our front line staff and park users, eliminating the spread of viruses through cash transactions.
The TCMP is a member of MPA Connect, a learning network of Marine Protected Area managers and professionals in the Caribbean, and has participated in a number of the Peer-to- Peer (P2P) activities and learning exchanges that are hosted by MPA Connect. In May 2019, Ms.
Dorette Hooper, Accountant at the TCMP participated in the Peer-to-Peer VII Learning Exchange on Sustainable Finance which was conducted in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
During that learning exchange, the TCMP began the process of exploring the use of an electronic fee payment system to enhance the efficiency of the existing on-the-water cash-based collection system currently in place within the MPA. TCMP PAY will be available online from August 31st 2022 following a virtual launch. Cash transactions at the marine park will be accommodated and will run together with the e-commerce system until phased out.
The E-commerce system was implemented with support from MPA Connect, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The system was designed and hosted by Reef Support LLC.